• Student Registration

    Welcome and thank you for entrusting your child(ren), to the exceptional and dedicated staff of the Hannibal Central School District. Below please find some of the forms and documentation required upon registering a student for school. Forms can be downloaded, printed and completed prior to registering in person.

    In addition to the forms below, you will need to provide us with the following documents:

    • Birth Certificate
    • Immunizations/ Health records: Present NYS laws require that no school official shall permit any child to be admitted to school or attend school for more than 14 days without a certificate, or other acceptable evidence, that the child has met the NYS immunization requirements. Therefore, no child shall be allowed admission to school without providing proper proof of immunization either from the previously attended school or from the student.
    • Custody Papers ( If applicable)
    • Proof of Residency
    • Academic Records (Copy of recent report card)

     The placement of your child(ren) may be delayed if we do not receive all these documents at the time of registration.

  • Contact Us

    Joseph Musa
    Director of Pupil Services/
    Special Education
    P: (315) 564-8100, ext. 2

    Sandi Madden
    CSE Secretary
    P: (315) 564-8100, ext. 2

    District Registrar/CPSE
    P: (315) 564-8100, ext. 1